26, ఫిబ్రవరి 2012, ఆదివారం
21, ఫిబ్రవరి 2012, మంగళవారం
Top Physics Resources Online
Students design their own roller coasters to discover how physics laws affect amusement park ride design
Students design their own roller coasters to discover how physics laws affect amusement park ride design
Directions on how to build a functioning electric motor using inexpensive household materials
Directions on how to build a functioning electric motor using inexpensive household materials
Sponsored by NOVAonline, this site requires participants to study bridge structures and determine the strengths and weaknesses of each before playing on interactive game
Sponsored by NOVAonline, this site requires participants to study bridge structures and determine the strengths and weaknesses of each before playing on interactive game
An engineering site in which you will design and test your own structures online and share what you learn with others
An engineering site in which you will design and test your own structures online and share what you learn with others
Online exhibit of the work of J.J. Thomson who in 1897 conducted experiments which led to the electron's discovery; upper middle school and high school level
Online exhibit of the work of J.J. Thomson who in 1897 conducted experiments which led to the electron's discovery; upper middle school and high school level
The museum of science, art and human perception housed in San Francisco with lots of online exhibits and activities here - a must see!
The museum of science, art and human perception housed in San Francisco with lots of online exhibits and activities here - a must see!
Includes sections on engines and motors, things found around the house, electronics, computers, food, the human body, and a special "Insider Series"; nice visuals
Includes sections on engines and motors, things found around the house, electronics, computers, food, the human body, and a special "Insider Series"; nice visuals
Online tool to type in integrals and receive a typeset output; you can choose your own random samples
Online tool to type in integrals and receive a typeset output; you can choose your own random samples
"A nonprofit K-8 education program, launched in 1987, that helps children develop creative thinking and problem solving skills through a fun, unique and proven learning tool-- inventing"
"A nonprofit K-8 education program, launched in 1987, that helps children develop creative thinking and problem solving skills through a fun, unique and proven learning tool-- inventing"
MIT based site promoting the spirit of invention, with archives, links, resources and an Inventor of the Week
MIT based site promoting the spirit of invention, with archives, links, resources and an Inventor of the Week
Comprehensive basics of simple machines, links to the "Gadget Anatomy" page so that students can study complex machines
Comprehensive basics of simple machines, links to the "Gadget Anatomy" page so that students can study complex machines
Designed to get kids excited about Physics by offering online applications you can't get on a standalone - great material
Designed to get kids excited about Physics by offering online applications you can't get on a standalone - great material
From the Franklin Institute, nice overview and pertinent links on sight, color and light
From the Franklin Institute, nice overview and pertinent links on sight, color and light
UC Berkeley site promoting open discussion on the properties of light - teacher support materials too
UC Berkeley site promoting open discussion on the properties of light - teacher support materials too
Hypermedia textbook on water, matter and energy, atoms and molecules for grades 3, 4 and 5
Hypermedia textbook on water, matter and energy, atoms and molecules for grades 3, 4 and 5
Thorough online integrated unit presented by the Georgia Department of Education
Thorough online integrated unit presented by the Georgia Department of Education
Home of the Wright Flyer Online covering all aspects of aerodynamics; neat interactive opportunities to learn and ask questions with actual aerospace engineers!
Home of the Wright Flyer Online covering all aspects of aerodynamics; neat interactive opportunities to learn and ask questions with actual aerospace engineers!
A Molecular Modeling Database and a Protein Data Bank using a 3D structure viewer and a Vector Alignment Search Tool - technical and worthwhile
A Molecular Modeling Database and a Protein Data Bank using a 3D structure viewer and a Vector Alignment Search Tool - technical and worthwhile
Pics and movie clips help explain Newton and the Mechanical Laws of Motion; good and basic information
Pics and movie clips help explain Newton and the Mechanical Laws of Motion; good and basic information
Examines plasma science for not only scientific purposes but also ways it will effect future everyday life
Examines plasma science for not only scientific purposes but also ways it will effect future everyday life
An interactive journey through modern physics, including segments on Einstein's Legacy and the Atomic Lab
An interactive journey through modern physics, including segments on Einstein's Legacy and the Atomic Lab
Plans and instructions for numerous physics activities, includes links to other similar sites
Plans and instructions for numerous physics activities, includes links to other similar sites
Touting itself as the "ultimate physics resource", newspaper format makes it a familiar-looking page which is ideally suited for high school and college students
Touting itself as the "ultimate physics resource", newspaper format makes it a familiar-looking page which is ideally suited for high school and college students
Site with the unique goal of improving access to mathematics and aeronautics curricula materials for 4th-7th graders with physical disabilities
Site with the unique goal of improving access to mathematics and aeronautics curricula materials for 4th-7th graders with physical disabilities
Recognized by MIT's Invention Dimension, this scientist offers a nice page on becoming an inventor for kids - check it out!
Recognized by MIT's Invention Dimension, this scientist offers a nice page on becoming an inventor for kids - check it out!
Inquiry Almanack spotlight on the six basic machines and the science behind each; additional nice links
Inquiry Almanack spotlight on the six basic machines and the science behind each; additional nice links
Nice list of links from the Davis, Utah school district's Educational Technology Center
Nice list of links from the Davis, Utah school district's Educational Technology Center
An exciting, interactive, and educational web site about sound, the Soundry aims to promote enthusiasm and knowledge of sound. Check out the sound lab!
An exciting, interactive, and educational web site about sound, the Soundry aims to promote enthusiasm and knowledge of sound. Check out the sound lab!
Theoretical physics on particles and relativity, presented for the beginner with clear, concise explanations
Theoretical physics on particles and relativity, presented for the beginner with clear, concise explanations
Studies light behavior, light measurement, amplitudes and waves; from UC Berkeley
WORK IS SIMPLE WITH SIMPLE MACHINESStudies light behavior, light measurement, amplitudes and waves; from UC Berkeley
Simple machines unit with links to online resources to help make this project a success in your classroom
20, ఫిబ్రవరి 2012, సోమవారం
15, ఫిబ్రవరి 2012, బుధవారం
=== News - 10 new results for [experiments] ===
Unplanned experiment on oceans in post-9/11 silence links noise and whale stress
Washington Post
BOSTON — Researchers say an ocean experiment that was accidentally
conducted amid the shipping silence after Sept. 11 has shown the first link
between underwater noise and stress in whales. The analysis was led by a
New England Aquarium researcher.
<http://www.washingtonpost.com /national/health-science/unpla nned-experiment-on-oceans-in- post-911-silence-links-noise- and-whale-stress/2012/02/08/ gIQAsjwVzQ_story.html>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.washington post.com/national/health- science/unplanned-experiment- on-oceans-in-post-911-silence- links-noise-and-whale-stress/ 2012/02/08/gIQAsjwVzQ_story. html&hl=en&geo=us>
Chinese village experiments with democracy
SHANGHAI — A Chinese village which staged an extraordinary rebellion
against authorities last year has taken a key step in a process to freely
elect its own governing committee, according to residents. Thousands of
residents of Wukan in the southern ...
<http://www.google.com/hostedn ews/afp/article/ALeqM5h-cH1j26 ZduxbYAH1rHFsr81VZwg?docId= CNG.b7b84d73ae0e2b3179e9deb594 bd393e.6e1>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.google.com /hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5 h-cH1j26ZduxbYAH1rHFsr81VZwg%3 FdocId%3DCNG.b7b84d73ae0e2b317 9e9deb594bd393e.6e1&hl=en&geo= us>
Mystery Disease In Central America Kills Thousands: biological weapon ...
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2012/02/12/mystery-disease-cen tral-america_n_
<http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RS7xzbZNd8I>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.youtube.co m/watch%3Fv%3DRS7xzbZNd8I&hl= en&geo=us>
Human experiments: First, do harm
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were a prime concern for health
officials in the 1940s, and many medical studies — including the US
experiments in Guatemala — used methods that would be considered
unethical today. Although standards improved ...
<http://www.nature.com/news/hu man-experiments-first-do-harm- 1.9980>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.nature.com /news/human-experiments-first- do-harm-1.9980&hl=en&geo=us>
Zebras may have stripes because horseflies hate them
Christian Science Monitor
One popular notion is that stripes make it difficult for predators to
single out an individual zebra from the herd, but experimental evidence for
this or other ideas has been lacking. By Charles Choi, LiveScience
Contributor / February 9, ...
<http://www.csmonitor.com/Scie nce/2012/0209/Zebras-may-have- stripes-because-horseflies- hate-them>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.csmonitor. com/Science/2012/0209/Zebras- may-have-stripes-because- horseflies-hate-them&hl=en& geo=us>
Boffins claim breakthrough in hovering robothopter experiments
We learn from the synopsis: While the “bug” is far from a realistic
analogy for an insect, the unsteady flow mechanisms revealed through these
experiments can help address current disagreements among models that assess
the intrinsic stability of flying ...
<http://www.theregister.co.uk/ 2012/02/13/hover_bugs_top_heav y_is_best/>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.theregiste r.co.uk/2012/02/13/hover_bugs_ top_heavy_is_best/&hl=en&geo= us>
Scientists Take Cautious Tack On Bird Flu Research
Last month, scientists around the world agreed to temporarily halt certain
genetic experiments with bird flu viruses. More than three weeks of that
60-day moratorium have already passed. And the scientific community is in
the midst of a fierce debate ...
<http://www.npr.org/2012/02/13 /146784264/scientists-take-cau tious-tack-on-bird-flu-researc h>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.npr.org/20 12/02/13/146784264/scientists- take-cautious-tack-on-bird- flu-research&hl=en&geo=us>
Stephen Wood: For Maine health insurance, the experiments are over
Lewiston Sun Journal
Stephen Wood During the past several decades, Maine has been a virtual
laboratory for health insurance experiments. New ideas that were only
talked about in the rest of the country were put into practice in Maine —
with our citizens as the guinea pigs.
<http://www.sunjournal.com/new s/columns-analysis/2012/02/12/ stephen-wood-maine-health-insu rance-experiments-ar/1153016>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.sunjournal .com/news/columns-analysis/ 2012/02/12/stephen-wood-maine- health-insurance-experiments- ar/1153016&hl=en&geo=us>
CAMO Software Announce Pre-Release of a New Version of Their Multivariate Data ...
MarketWatch (press release)
OSLO, Norway, February 13, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- CAMO Software
have announced they will release a new version of The Unscrambler® X,
their leading Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA) and Design of Experiments
(DoE) software, on the 7th of March ...
<http://www.marketwatch.com/st ory/camo-software-announce-pre -release-of-a-new-version-of- their-multivariate-data-analys is-and-design-of-experiments- software-the-unscrambler-x- version-102-2012-02-13>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://www.marketwatc h.com/story/camo-software- announce-pre-release-of-a-new- version-of-their-multivariate- data-analysis-and-design-of- experiments-software-the- unscrambler-x-version-102- 2012-02-13&hl=en&geo=us>
North Carolina State Rolls Out Experimental Open Source WiFi Network
Campus Technology
By Leila Meyer North Carolina State University's (NCSU) Centennial Campus
has implemented one of the country's first large-scale, outdoor,
experimental wireless networks using open source software. The project is
called CentMesh, which stands for ...
<http://campustechnology.com/a rticles/2012/02/09/north-carol ina-state-rolls-out-experiment al-open-source-wifi-network. aspx>
See all stories on this topic:
<http://news.google.com/news/s tory?ncl=http://campustechnolo gy.com/articles/2012/02/09/ north-carolina-state-rolls- out-experimental-open-source- wifi-network.aspx&hl=en&geo=us >
=== Blogs - 5 new results for [experiments] ===
Buffalo Wild Wings Experiments With On-Table iPad Ordering ...
By Shaylin Clark
After an initial pilot program in Toronto, Buffalo Wild Wings is expanding
a program that will allow the restaurant's patrons to order their food from
an iPad.
<http://www.webpronews.com/buf falo-wild-wings-experiments- with-on-table-ipad-ordering- 2012-02>
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian: Harvard Plans Major Experiments ...
By StevenB
One of the least effective ways to teach is to stand in an auditorium and
deliver a monologue on facts, as Mazur did in explaining the motion of
atoms. In other words: Lectures, the dominant mode of instruction in
<http://keptup.typepad.com/aca demic/2012/02/harvard-plans- major-experiments-in-improving -student-learning.html>
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian
<http://keptup.typepad.com/aca demic/>
Bethesda Skyrim Experiments of the Day - TDW Geeks
By Cheezburger Network
youtube=http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=uFXJu9S7zNc&w=500&h= 412] Bethesda
Skyrim Experiments of the Day: After Skyrim was completed, Bethesda gave
the developers one week to experiment in ...
<http://geeks.thedailywh.at/20 12/02/09/bethesda-skyrim-exper iments-of-the-day/>
TDW Geeks
Spain's B de Books Experiments with DRM-Free E-books ...
By Edward Nawotka
B de Books offers low cost, DRM-free e-books, and has signed many
self-published authors, both innovations for a commercial Spanish
<http://publishingperspectives .com/2012/02/spains-b-de- books-experiments-with-drm- free-e-books-self-published- authors/>
Publishing Perspectives
<http://publishingperspectives .com/>
Pocket Factory - Our Experiments With 'Bots
By Alex
The good folks at Union Station invited us to set up shop in the station,
and we thought it was the perfect to try an experiment. Previously, when
we'd 3D printed in public, we offered a variety of products customized and
printed to order.
<http://pocketfactory.org/?p=4 40&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=r ss&utm_campaign=our-experiment s-with-bots>
Pocket Factory
=== Web - 5 new results for [experiments] ===
Encouraging Distraction? Classroom Experiments with Mobile ...
Encouraging Distraction? Classroom Experiments with Mobile Media. February
9 , 2012, 8:00 am. By Prof. Hacker · iPad [This is a guest post by Jason
Farman, ...
<http://chronicle.com/blogs/pr ofhacker/encouraging-distracti on-classroom-experiments-with- mobile-media/38454>
18 Enlightening iPad Experiments in Education | Online Universities
These studies show whether iPads help make learning fun or waste money.
<http://www.onlineuniversities .com/18-enlightening-ipad- experiments-in-education>
Chinese village experiments with democracy | The Raw Story
SHANGHAI — A Chinese village which staged an extraordinary rebellion
against authorities last year has taken a key step in a process to freely
elect its own ...
<http://www.rawstory.com/rs/20 12/02/12/chinese-village-exper iments-with-democracy/>
Part 1: My Experiments With Windows 8 – Getting started guide ...
Microsoft unveiled new Windows 8 operating system and new development
improvements on September 13, 2011, day one of the BUILD developer
<http://www.codeproject.com/Ar ticles/325907/Part-1-My-Experi ments-With-Windows-8-Getting- start>
WiFi experiments with ATtiny microcontrollers - Hack a Day
[Quinn Dunki] got some free stuff from Element14 to evaluate, including
this Mircrochip WiFi module. It's been used as the centerpiece of an
Arduino shield in the ...
<http://hackaday.com/2012/02/0 7/wifi-experiments-with-attiny -microcontrollers/>
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Unplanned experiment on oceans in post-9/11 silence links noise and whale stress
Washington Post
BOSTON — Researchers say an ocean experiment that was accidentally
conducted amid the shipping silence after Sept. 11 has shown the first link
between underwater noise and stress in whales. The analysis was led by a
New England Aquarium researcher.
See all stories on this topic:
Chinese village experiments with democracy
SHANGHAI — A Chinese village which staged an extraordinary rebellion
against authorities last year has taken a key step in a process to freely
elect its own governing committee, according to residents. Thousands of
residents of Wukan in the southern ...
See all stories on this topic:
Mystery Disease In Central America Kills Thousands: biological weapon ...
See all stories on this topic:
Human experiments: First, do harm
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were a prime concern for health
officials in the 1940s, and many medical studies — including the US
experiments in Guatemala — used methods that would be considered
unethical today. Although standards improved ...
See all stories on this topic:
Zebras may have stripes because horseflies hate them
Christian Science Monitor
One popular notion is that stripes make it difficult for predators to
single out an individual zebra from the herd, but experimental evidence for
this or other ideas has been lacking. By Charles Choi, LiveScience
Contributor / February 9, ...
See all stories on this topic:
Boffins claim breakthrough in hovering robothopter experiments
We learn from the synopsis: While the “bug” is far from a realistic
analogy for an insect, the unsteady flow mechanisms revealed through these
experiments can help address current disagreements among models that assess
the intrinsic stability of flying ...
See all stories on this topic:
Scientists Take Cautious Tack On Bird Flu Research
Last month, scientists around the world agreed to temporarily halt certain
genetic experiments with bird flu viruses. More than three weeks of that
60-day moratorium have already passed. And the scientific community is in
the midst of a fierce debate ...
See all stories on this topic:
Stephen Wood: For Maine health insurance, the experiments are over
Lewiston Sun Journal
Stephen Wood During the past several decades, Maine has been a virtual
laboratory for health insurance experiments. New ideas that were only
talked about in the rest of the country were put into practice in Maine —
with our citizens as the guinea pigs.
See all stories on this topic:
CAMO Software Announce Pre-Release of a New Version of Their Multivariate Data ...
MarketWatch (press release)
OSLO, Norway, February 13, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- CAMO Software
have announced they will release a new version of The Unscrambler® X,
their leading Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA) and Design of Experiments
(DoE) software, on the 7th of March ...
See all stories on this topic:
North Carolina State Rolls Out Experimental Open Source WiFi Network
Campus Technology
By Leila Meyer North Carolina State University's (NCSU) Centennial Campus
has implemented one of the country's first large-scale, outdoor,
experimental wireless networks using open source software. The project is
called CentMesh, which stands for ...
See all stories on this topic:
=== Blogs - 5 new results for [experiments] ===
Buffalo Wild Wings Experiments With On-Table iPad Ordering ...
By Shaylin Clark
After an initial pilot program in Toronto, Buffalo Wild Wings is expanding
a program that will allow the restaurant's patrons to order their food from
an iPad.
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian: Harvard Plans Major Experiments ...
By StevenB
One of the least effective ways to teach is to stand in an auditorium and
deliver a monologue on facts, as Mazur did in explaining the motion of
atoms. In other words: Lectures, the dominant mode of instruction in
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian
Bethesda Skyrim Experiments of the Day - TDW Geeks
By Cheezburger Network
Skyrim Experiments of the Day: After Skyrim was completed, Bethesda gave
the developers one week to experiment in ...
TDW Geeks
Spain's B de Books Experiments with DRM-Free E-books ...
By Edward Nawotka
B de Books offers low cost, DRM-free e-books, and has signed many
self-published authors, both innovations for a commercial Spanish
Publishing Perspectives
Pocket Factory - Our Experiments With 'Bots
By Alex
The good folks at Union Station invited us to set up shop in the station,
and we thought it was the perfect to try an experiment. Previously, when
we'd 3D printed in public, we offered a variety of products customized and
printed to order.
Pocket Factory
=== Web - 5 new results for [experiments] ===
Encouraging Distraction? Classroom Experiments with Mobile ...
Encouraging Distraction? Classroom Experiments with Mobile Media. February
9 , 2012, 8:00 am. By Prof. Hacker · iPad [This is a guest post by Jason
Farman, ...
18 Enlightening iPad Experiments in Education | Online Universities
These studies show whether iPads help make learning fun or waste money.
Chinese village experiments with democracy | The Raw Story
SHANGHAI — A Chinese village which staged an extraordinary rebellion
against authorities last year has taken a key step in a process to freely
elect its own ...
Part 1: My Experiments With Windows 8 – Getting started guide ...
Microsoft unveiled new Windows 8 operating system and new development
improvements on September 13, 2011, day one of the BUILD developer
WiFi experiments with ATtiny microcontrollers - Hack a Day
[Quinn Dunki] got some free stuff from Element14 to evaluate, including
this Mircrochip WiFi module. It's been used as the centerpiece of an
Arduino shield in the ...
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6, ఫిబ్రవరి 2012, సోమవారం
solar sites
On the following sites you will find plenty of
ideas for low-cost-experiments in all areas of science education
- Easy kids science http://www.easy-kids-science-experiments.com/
- The UNESCO-associated centre
for microscience experiments in South Africa http://www.microsci.org.za/
- Microscience material at the
RADMASTE centre Johannesburg in South Africahttp://www.radmaste.org.za/amicrosciencematerial.htm
- Microecol - A collection of
information and examples for microscale and low-cost-chemistryhttp://www.micrecol.de/indexE.html
- The Renewable Energy site for Do-It-Yourselfers
All-Around Solar References
News and good all-around references on renewable and alternate energy subjects.
Reference information for Do-It-Yourself renewable energy projects.
Alternate Energy News, Blogs, Guides Clean Technica
http://cleantechnica.com/A good place for renewable energy news and articles.
"Cleantech news and views: solar energy, wind energy, energy efficiency, and more."
http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/ Alternate Energy: News -- provides pointers to the articles on the latest in alternate energy news in a wide variety of areas.
Well maintained and up-to-date.EarthToys - Your Energy Resource
EarthToys emagazine:
The EarthToys "Half Plan" article ...A fine website for alternate energy news and developments.An emagazine published every couple months with good interviews and articles on renewable energy topics -- INCLUDING one this month on our Half Program. The full achieves of the emagazine are available online.
Also, an extensive renewable energy web library.Green Optionshttp://www.greenoptions.com/
Quite a nice site for alternate energy news, blogs, and a Green Life Guide.
Good Dirt Radiohttp://www.gooddirtradio.org/
A whole raft of useful interviews and stories on green topics.The interviews tend to be fairly short, and get to the important stuff quickly.
If you have an idea for a story, they will be all ears.AutoblogGreenhttp://www.autobloggreen.com/ News site for energy efficient cars, trucks and transportation.
Very high volume of new stories.Hybrid Carshttp://www.hybridcars.com/
Good source on information on what's new in hybrid cars.Green Car Congresshttp://www.greencarcongress.com/
Latest on the automotive front. A high volume of technically sound material.treehuggerhttp://www.treehugger.com/
Energy news and ideas.
Since being bought by the Green Channel, Treehugger has become more green fluff and less useful, but still some good ideas come through.The Oil Drum
OilDrum Campfire -- Discussions on oil and energy...Good source of news on energy issues and outlooks.
Yahoo Discussion Groups
http://groups.yahoo.com/Yahoo hosts a huge number of discussion groups that cover just about any area you might be interested in. You can also easily start a new discussion group on a topic that grabs you.
I participate in the Simply Solar and Solar Heat groups regularly.Inhabitathttp://www.inhabitat.com/ Carries some interesting stories on green architecture. A few good interesting ideas amidst a lot of goofy stuff. DIY Sites Run by People
These are sites run by individuals who are very much into Do-It-Yourself renewable energy and conservation -- kind of like Build-It-Solar.
Each one shows lots of innovation, many practical projects, and lots of good design advice.
They don't tell you "you can't do that" -- they show you how to do it.
The sites are listed in no particular order.ART TEC -- Guy MarsdenART TEC -- Guy Marsden's web site... Guy's site is a really excellent mix of solar projects, conservation, and a more sustainable living style.
Guy has excellent how-to's on the projects he has built form his home/business: solar space and water heating, solar electricity, solar lawn mowers, and some good conservation projects.Guy has a strong interest in art and builds some beautiful furniture and offers some really innovative light pattern art work...Kris De Voecht -- Solar ProjectsBuilding solar collectors project - overview... This page has a list of links to pages that detail the collector and storage construction. The list is easy to miss -- its right under the "News and blog" entry.
Hot water storage...
The PV project...
Solar home in 1985...Kris's site provides a lot of construction detail on the solar projects that he has tackled. Material on building collectors, heat storage tanks, and heat exchangers.
The thing that sets Kris's projects apart is the very high level of workmanship.JC-Solar Homes -- John CanivanJC-SolarHomes.com...
John Canivan's JC-SolarHomes website provides lots of information on building solar heating systems and on various aspects of solar home design and construction.
I Will Try
http://www.iwilltry.orgThis is Rob Steves very interesting website with details on quite a few innovative projects.
Red Rock Energy
http://www.redrok.comThis is Duane Johnson's amazing site -- Duane has the most extensive set of information on concentrating and sun tracking designs in the universe.
Duane is also the maker of a very simple, inexpensive, and popular kit for implementing sun tracking collectors.
The site can be a little daunting to navigate around in, but hang in there and you will find what you want.George's Workshop
http://www.ffwdm.com/solar/solar-index.htmGeorge has come up with and built and offers plans for a very nice and well thought out concentrating solar trough collector.
Lots of other interesting projects on George's site.Solar Periodicals Mother Earth Newswww.MotherEarthNews.com Issue 1 of the Mother Earth News was published in January of 1970. Since then MEN has covered just about every renewable energy area -- often in great depth.
Quite a few good how-to articles on passive solar designs, greenhouses, etc. over the years. You will find many references to individual MEN articles for solar projects on this site. You can also search or browse their archives. Archive articles can be read online, or CD's of back issues are available.Home Power Magazinewww.HomePower.com
How to get articles from Home Power ...Home Power magazine has over 20 years of publishing excellent, hands-on articles for people who want to actually build solar stuff. The technical quality of HP articles is very good. You will find many references to individual Home Power articles of particular interest to DIY types on this site.All the HP articles are available for download at their site -- some for free. They also offer a DVD with every article published in their 20 year history for $95 -- an instant renewable energy library.
They offer a years electronic subscription for $15!Fine Homebuilding Magazinewww.FineHomebuilding.com
How to get articles from Fine Homebuilding ...
Fine Homebuilding has been doing articles on home construction for 25 years and has a large archive of very helpful information. While most of the articles focus on general construction, there are quite a few on energy efficient and solar construction. The technical quality and detail are very good.Online access to about 1500 of the best of Fine Homebuilding articles is quite reasonable -- use the link at the left to see how this works.
Journal of Light Construction
http://www.jlconline.comThis is a nitty gritty magazine on home construction that has been published for 24 years.
Lots of good articles with lots of detail -- some on energy efficient construction.
They also host an online discussion forum.
The website sells a DVD with all 24 years of articles.Solar Todaywww.SolarToday.org
American Solar Energy Society (ASES)Journal published by The American Solar Energy Society. A mix of articles covering topics from overall renewable energy policy to some fairly hands-on projects.
Backwoods Home Magazinehttp://www.backwoodshome.com/article_index.html
Backwoods Home MagazineHas a number of articles on solar and alternate energy, several of them are referenced from this site. To search their achieves follow the link, and scroll down to the "Energy" section. Articles available online. An Alternate Energy CD with all of their alternate energy articles is also available at a low price.
Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter/Magazinehttp://www.rebelwolf.com/index.html A free online magazine with some good articles on renewable energy topics.Unfortunately, the ESSN stopped publishing in 2006, but the back issues are still available as free downloads, and contain much interesting material.
Alternate Technology Association (ATA)
and ReNew Magazinehttp://www.ata.org.au/
A wide ranging Australian renewable energy organization. Their ReNew Magazine carries many DIY solar projects. Much more. Good Solar Reference Sites Heating and Cooling -- DOE EERE sitehttp://www.eere.energy.gov
Subject Index:
www1.eere.energy.gov/site_administration/subject_index.htmlDOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy site. Quite a bit of renewable energy information on a wide variety of topics. Not a lot of hands-on, but good to gain a general understanding of solar projects.
Your Home Technical Manualhttp://www.yourhome.gov.au/technical/index.html
A very extensive manual from the Australian government covering all aspects of solar home design, water use, and sustainable materials.If you live in the northern hemisphere, you need to remember to switch north with south when reading this.
Fact Sheets
Manuals and GuidesSouthface.org provides quite a few very useful info sheets and other reference materials. Most of the info sheets are practical, and have sufficient detail to be very helpful.
Solar Rating and Certification Corporationhttp://www.solar-rating.org/
The SRCC is an independent organization that tests and certifies solar collectors and solar water heating systems. Before you buy a system, check out how it does in the SRCC ratings -- you may be surprised!The tests include both durability and performance. Florida Solar Energy Centerhttp://www.fsec.ucf.edu/ Extensive collection of solar publications and test results. Material of interest to homeowners to engineers -- an excellent all around resource whether you live in Florida or not.The FSEC provides quite a bit of practical help for those who want to build projects. They have also done some excellent research projects on solar and efficient heating and cooling.
Arizona Solar Centerhttp://www.azsolarcenter.com/index.html
Arizona Solar Center provides some good reference information for designing and building solar heating and cooling systems.
Canmet Energy Technology Centerwww.buildingsgroup.nrcan.gc.ca/home/home_e.asp Very extensive solar publications library. Solar software. Energy Planet -- Renewable Energy Directoryhttp://www.energyplanet.info/
This is a well done (and growing) directory of Renewable Energy websites.
Good descriptions, and some reviews.
Many of the categories have a "DIY" section.From some of the same folks who provide Alternate Energy News (listed above).Low Impact Living Initiativehttp://www.lowimpact.org/index.htm Nice UK site -- promoting sustainable alternatives to various aspects of everyday life. OtherPower.comhttp://www.otherpower.com/ A good deal of material on wind power with a very good list of links to wind and other alternate power sites. Energy Facts -- All Things Energyhttp://energyfacts.blogspot.com/
An extensive set of carefully selected links to energy sites that providing data on energy use, price and demand outlooks, historical energy use and rates, ... SciTechResources.gov
A catalog of government science and technology web sites.A somewhat systematic way to find what the gov is doing or has done in any energy (or other) area. Getting Your Questions Answered -- Online Discussion Forums Send me an email... You can email me questions -- please read this first to make sure that you provide the needed info in your question... Online Discussion Forums for Renewable Energy... There are quite a few online forums providing good information on renewable energy. You can post a question and get some expert (and sometimes not so expert :) help.I participate regularly in this list of discussion forums, and I think they are good ones... There are likely many other good ones I don't know about. Solar TV and Video TV Series: Living With Ed
NEW: New season starting August 26 on HGTV
(hopefully as good as the last one)
TV series about Ed and Rachelle Begley's life in their small simple home. Covers solar electric, electric car, bicycles, food growing, recycling ...
Not what you expect from a well known Hollywood actor.
The things I find most appealing about this series is that 1) Ed "walks the walk" -- this is not an hour a week TV exercise -- this is how they live. 2) its not preachy -- in fact, its all done with a good sense of humor, 3) the things Ed has done and the projects he tackles are generally sound and well thought out, not just the usual TV "looks cool" stuff.
Update: It does seem like in later seasons Ed's projects have gotten trended toward the fluff side of green -- hopefully Ed will see the light and get back on track.Renewable Energy Programs (Green Tags) The Green Power Networkhttp://www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/
A very complete directory of state and national "green power" programs that you can buy power from. Buying power from one of these programs supports the development of renewable energy power generation. Participating in one of the programs may be more practical for you than installing your own renewable energy system.
Articles Basking In the Sun,
Tom Murphy
http://physics.ucsd.edu/do-the-math/2012/01/basking-in-the-sun/This is a nice short read to get you thinking about harvesting solar heat in simple, effective ways.
A good, fresh, first principles approach.Think You're Making a Difference? Think Againhttp://www.architecture2030.org/current_situation/coal.html
A bit political, but it does point out that if we don't tackle CO2 emissions from coal plants, there is not much point in doing anything else.
Irrational Incandescence,
The Economist Magazine, June 2nd, 2007
This short and interesting article discusses which techniques are most cost effective in reducing carbon emissions. The answer is YOU.
The Economist has been carrying a lot of (I think) well thought out articles on Climate Change lately - the last place in the world I would have thought to look.Bozeman Montana Renewable Energy Resources -- There is a lot going on in renewable energy here in Bozeman Montana -- here are a few of the Bozeman area businesses and organizations active in renewable energy. Choice Energy -- Bozeman Bio-Fuelshttp://www.bozemanbiofuels.com/
This is Paul House's very interesting site covering biofuels, solar heating, electric bicycles, carbon lowering tips, and lots of other good and practical ideas for using less energy and generating less carbon.
Liquid Solar Systemshttp://www.liquidsolarsystems.com/index.html
This is Todd Hoitsma's solar water and space heating business.Todd is a skilled system designer and installer who has a genuine interest in making renewable energy work in Bozeman -- this includes working with people who want to do their own systems.
Solar Bughttp://www.freedrive-ev.com/index.html
The Solar Bug is Steve Titus's amazing solar electric car -- designed and built here in Bozeman.
SolarBair -- Solar Hot Water Info
Eric Bair is an experienced Bozeman area HVAC designer and builder specializing in renewable energy applications.
Check out his website, which has some interesting information and articles.The Bozeman Househttp://www.bozemanhouse.com/our_house.php
Very interesting story on an extensive green home renovation right here in Bozeman.
Sage Mountainhttp://www.sagemountain.org/
Sage Mountain is a terrific organization located in the mountains south of Butte. They run workshops on many areas of sustainable living, and their facility is proof that they practice what they preach.They offer excellent free tours each month that give you a chance to see the many renewable energy projects they have done -- these include solar electric, wind, solar heating, sustainable building techniques, composting toilets, and more.
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