11, ఆగస్టు 2012, శనివారం

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Engineering for Kids - DIY for Kids

robotEngineering for Kids

Do-it-Yourself Projects, Hands-on Electricity, Physics, Architecture, and Technology

Beyond the obvious math and science learning, engineering brings an understanding of how the world works - how buildings stand up, how machines move, and how people make and use technology. Through hands-on projects, kids gain the confidence and know-how to tackle all kinds of "do-it-yourself" tasks.
Kids start developing their engineering skills the first time they stack two blocks. Young children love to develop their design skills with building toys, or even by taping recycled containers together. By age 9 or 10, most kids can handle more complicated and skilled engineering - simple wiring, carpentry, and sculpture.
It doesn't take much money to provide kids with everything they need: scrap lumber salvaged from a lumber yard, an inexpensive hammer and some nails add up to hours of engineering fun for just a few dollars.
Here are links for learning engineering techniques big and small.

Engineering for Kids Articles on BigLearning.org

Book: Amazing DaVinci Inventions
Newspaper Forts
Toys to Make: Pinwheels
Toys to Make: Whirligigs and Tops
Make a Geyser
Tinker Ball
Boxes from greeting cards
Making puzzles
Knot tying
Program a robot
Book Review: Inventing Stuff
Bird houses
Book Review: A Kids' Guide to Building Forts
Book Review: Constructions for Children
Book Review: Battery Science
Site Review: Building Big
Paper Airplanes
Paper Sculpture
Kite Making
Site Review : Balloon Animals
Toy Review: Ultimate Rocket Kit

More Engineering for Kids Resources

Concepts Projects Online Simulations Tips and Techniques


These pages will help kids learn about science and engineering concepts:
Building Big (engineering skyscrapers, tunnels, bridges, etc.): (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/bridge/index.html)
How Stuff Works site: (http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/) (Note: Some content on this site may not be OK for kids - for example, how weapons work.)
Franklin Institute's guide to engineering simple machines: (http://www.fi.edu/qa97/spotlight3/spotlight3.html)


These pages have project ideas and instructions.
Zoom Science Projects (Engineering Category: http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/
Future Scientists and Engineers of America: http://www.fsea.org/
Hey Kids! (simple projects): http://www.new-sng.com/experiments.cfm
Design Challenges from the Tech Museum: http://www.thetech.org/learning/challenge/design/
Toys kids can build: http://www.build-it-yourself.com.
Article on how to have a "Take-it-Apart" party: http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr342.shtml.

On-line Simulations

Roller Coaster: http://www.funderstanding.com/k12/coaster/
Sodaplay (design and race online machines): http://sodaplay.com/

Tips and Techniques

Model bridge design tips: http://abcdpittsburgh.org/kids/kids.htm.
Glue types and when to use each type: http://members.rogers.com/andrews7624/GG/glues.html.
Balsa wood: http://www.zimsweb.com/balsa.
Woodworking, tools, metalwork: http://mysite.freeserve.com/designandtech/searchtesistant.html
Woodworking tips: http://www.woodzone.com/tips.htm
Recognizing electrical components: http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/funexperiments/agesubject/lessons/handouts/elcomponents.html
Styrofoam craft techniques: http://www.dow.com/craft/about/tips.htm
Animated knot-tying: http://www.mistral.co.uk/42brghtn/knots/42ktmenu.html

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